Hat Creek Burger Co.


Qualitative Research, Big Organizing Idea, Brand Positioning, Brand Narrative, Purpose Placemat, Creative Concepts, Values + Beliefs + Experience

Big Ideas

Meet Me At The Creek

These Are The Good Old Days


Guerilla Suit

Meet Me At The Creek

They say creeks and rivers represent the eternal. A union of past, present and future. A place where time collapses. As parents, it’s easy to live in the now and the then at the same time. Kids keep us as present as humanly possible, but we also reunite frequently with our childhoods in ways that can surprise us. We think about what we had in our past, as much as what we want for them in their present. We look to recreate what can feel like is being lost - what could very well be lost, if we don’t nurture and protect it.

We all have our places. Places experienced outside of us, that still live inside of us: Luckenbach, the lake house in Michigan, the ranch in West Texas, the Gruene Halls, the small town potlucks, the cul-de-sac block parties at dusk - the places where we simultaneously gathered around and ran free. Where we felt safe enough in the arms of community to let loose enough in the wild freedom of childhood. Where the seeds of nostalgia were sown. 

Hat Creek represents this timeless experience we all knew as kids - and how we want it to continue for our own families.  

The creek being the constant flow of present moments that turn into our fondest memories. Under a hat which is our commitment to protecting it. Where we feel the community that keeps the creek from drying up. Under the hat, the creek flows and flourishes. 

We don’t just go to Hat Creek, we meet there. To get a collective bite of the food that brings us together and the feeling that brings us to center. To rekindle that crucial flame on a daily basis. Through a menu that takes us back, but also meets us where we are today. Through people who come as strangers and leave as friends. Where adult-sized hands can loosen the grip on child-sized ones. 

So meet me in that mindspace, that time warp, that playscape. Meet me where I loved to be as a child, in what is now my past. Meet me where I love to see my kids happy and free, in what is now my present. Meet me in the timelessness of now. Meet me at the creek.

These are the good old days

While there’s a unique joy that comes with raising little ones, there’s not enough places in public to relish in the entire family dynamic. Most spaces just aren’t designed for it. Throw in one wrench and you can throw off the whole game. But when everyone’s needs are met and it all syncs up, it can be joyous. 

Sometimes, when it’s all passing so perfectly, you can find yourself feeling nostalgia for the present moment. And that’s when you realize these are the good old days. They aren’t disappearing, they’re happening right now, in front of our eyes. As long as we protect the time and places for them to happen, they will live on forever.

Some of life’s best experiences are the ones we had when we were kids, the same ones shared by our parents and grandparents. The simple things in life, that we later realize are the most profound.

A place to gather and feel safe, a place to run totally wild, a place to know each other’s presence. All while lounging with a cheeseburger and laughing over a milkshake. 

We need these places. It’s up to us to preserve this feeling. Because someday our children’s memories will recall days like today, afternoons like this one, and these warm faces. Under some shady oak trees when the sun goes down and the lights begin to shine. Where you might encounter a tip of a hat from a stranger or a pat on the head from an elder. 

At Hat Creek, we’re able to step into - and run our hands through - the running waters of the same timeless traditions and treasures that have been there all along, waiting for us to come back to, again and again.


Fulfillment of mind, body, and soul - through the spirit of the gathering place.


Meet me at the creek.


Want their kids to have what they had as children: A place to gather around and run free. A place to meet old friends and make new ones. A place to eat well and be well.


Where old memories meet new ones. Where the seeds of nostalgia are sown.We do the cooking, so you can do the connecting. We speed up, so you can slow down. We create the safe space, so you can run free.

Soft Animal


Naming, Qualitative Research, Big Organizing Idea, Brand Positioning, Brand Narrative, Purpose Placemat, Creative Concepts, Values + Beliefs + Experience

Big Ideas

An Invitation To Awe

Dress Up For Nature


Guerilla Suit

An Invitation to Awe

We are part and parcel of a wondrous planet called Earth. Rotating, suspended in space. A majority of the atoms that exist in our bodies began in distant stars. That in and of itself is a trippy thing. Many of us are waking up to the fact that it’s time to experience these timeless truths on a deeper level. To really dive in and understand our relationship with the natural world and in turn, ourselves. 

This will require a shift in perspective. We have to feel good about feeling small. We have to know what it means to feel awe. Because inviting awe into our hearts allows for very different kind of experience. It keeps us present. It’s humbling. It’s exposing. It acts as a secret key that opens a door to the surreal.

Where the everyday becomes extraordinary and the simple becomes sublime. Where we merge with the natural world. And become a child again to Mother Earth. 

But awe is not a passing childhood fancy, it’s the passageway to enlightenment. It’s what stokes the fires in people like Sylvia Earle and Filipe DeAndrade. It means seeing with your heart. It means wanting to take care of this place. And it’s why we believe in intentional outfitting worthy of awe-inspiring experiences. Be they epic or every day. In conscious clothing that protects the wellbeing of our bodies and our planet. So we can get out to feel good, and look good, while leaving less waste and more wonder in our wakes.

Dress Up For Nature

For something that is as beautiful and inspiring as nature, our imagination has become quite limited when dressing for the outdoors. But what if we thought about it differently? What if we could experience a shift in our gaze? 

Every time we step outside, we have a date with something miraculous. With the Sun, and the Stars, and the omnipotent Sea. We have a rendevouz with the all-knowing trees. Whether it’s a stroll down a neighborhood street or a hike at 10,000 feet, we have time to reconnect with Nature - and that’s the special occasion. We believe it deserves a little more elegance and enchantment. So that our outfitting may be worthy of her natural beauty - as well as our individual expression.

The truth is, Nature is looking at us as much as we are looking at her. So why wouldn’t we dress up for her as well as ourselves? How might she feel? Maybe she’d feel a little more seen. Maybe if we looked hard enough she’d give us a nod of approval. 

The natural world is asking more from us. And more of us are listening. We believe we should dress like it. And dress for it. To be as inspired by - and intentional in - our outfitting for her as she is for us. And to clean ourselves up while cleaning her up in the process.


To help women celebrate and deepen their connection to the natural world: both internal and external.


For those who honor their true nature.


Their style is an extension of their substance. They dress with intention which means caring for themselves and the natural world they belong to.


We’re asking women to rethink their outdoor attire. In a sea of sameness, we offer a sea change. In a world that dresses down, we dress up for nature. We bring style into a space that has become slack. Through conscious clothing worthy of awe-inspiring experiences - be they “big or small”.

The Nature Conservancy


Qualitative Research, Big Organizing Idea, Brand Positioning, Brand Narrative, Purpose Placemat, Creative Concepts, Values + Beliefs + Experience

Big Ideas

Beyond The Built

Good Growth Gone Wild

Development Is Only Natural


Guerilla Suit

Beyond the Built

Imagine a world beyond the built one. Where all is interconnected. Where senses are heightened. Where life is ever-giving and regenerative by nature. A place where within such beauty and majesty, it is possible to disappear. Waters run clear and smell of perfume. Dragonflies become a surreal shade of blue, an unearthly color impossible to define. In this place, one is able to enter peace. A sensation of awe that has the power to transcend - lifting us off our feet while never leaving the ground. And windows of the soul are opened by stars of the night sky. In this outside world, we may access the infinite. 

It is a world beyond belief, but a world we need not imagine, because it is our reality. And at the same time, it is utterly fantastic. It exists when we allow ourselves to enter its territory. 

This world beyond the built one is a world and experience that is shrinking. A window into wonder that is slowly closing. We’re on a course of a kind of development we can and must reverse. This window must never close shut.

The Nature Conservancy in Texas alongside its devoted partners are determined that this window not only stay open, but opens wider than ever. By spurring the growth and development of the natural world and as a result, ensuring the prosperity of the state of Texas. 

It means thinking beyond the built-world status quo. Using the wisdom of science and nature to lead the way forward. Targeting areas that when rewilded, will have the most positive and ongoing ripple-effect. Ensuring our cities are both climate resilient and integrated with nature. It’s about land, water, coastline and habitat protection. Connecting ecosystems vs. breaking them apart. Keeping our waters fresh and flowing while keeping our cities from flooding.  

It’s about the power of Texas in her natural state. And how we increase this momentum together. As this is a story of growth as much as it’s a story of conservation. It’s about replacing a worn-out outlook of scarcity to one of ongoing abundance. And owning our natural prosperity like we own our state pride. Because when we put the natural world first, every last inch of Texas and Texans benefit. 

Good Growth Gone Wild

This is a celebration of the kind of abundance that is born only from the natural world. The ricocheting and waterfalling of positive effects that result when we rewild our state. It’s a good kind of growth (in a place all too familiar with development) and a new take on conservation. It is the work and unrelenting focus of The Nature Conservancy in Texas alongside their devoted and determined partners and it’s spreading throughout our cities, lands, skies, and waters.

Conservation is not an act of fencing off, but of growing forward. It’s about increasing the amount of land and waters that keep our state thriving - whether in the center of town or the middle of nowhere.

It’s the kind of growth that has amounted to 1 million preserved acres - protected for life.

The more life, the more wild, the more abundant our natural world, the more abundant our resources, our economy and our lives. It’s a momentum that builds on itself. It means endangered species become no longer endangered, it means Enchanted Rock stays enchanted, it means our waters remain fresh and flowing, while our cities keep from flooding.

And it’s a momentum we can all take part in. 

Join us for the next million acres by becoming an investor in - and developer of - the natural world in Texas today. Plant the seeds of good growth gone wild. Because while a million acres is a lot of land, the effects (seen and felt) are positively innumerable. The effects are #beyondnatural. 


To inspire and “mainstream” a movement of investment in the prosperity of our state’s natural world.


Beyond the built.


Want to live in a Texas that prioritizes the natural world, just as they do. They are eager to invest and delight in the state’s natural abundance.


We normalize and democratize the idea of land stewardship and ownership. Now that we can invest in the prosperity of our state’s natural world and resources, we must all think of ourselves as the stewards, investors, shareholders and in return, beneficiaries.



Qualitative Research, Big Organizing Idea, Brand Positioning, Brand Narrative, Purpose Placemat, Creative Concepts, Values + Beliefs + Experience

Big Ideas

This Is What Joy Feels Like

More Beautiful With Wear


Guerilla Suit

Cibolo Center for Conservation


Naming, Qualitative Research, Big Organizing Idea, Brand Positioning, Brand Narrative, Brand Architecture, Purpose Placemat, Creative Concepts, Values + Beliefs + Experience

Big Ideas

The Promise of Nature

Because of Our Wildest Dreams

New Worlds Are Waiting


Manifestive Design

Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation


Big Organizing Idea, Brand Positioning, Brand Narrative, Purpose Placemat, Creative Concepts, Values + Beliefs + Experience

Big Ideas

We Will Not Be Tamed


Guerilla Suit



Qualitative Research, Big Organizing Idea, Brand Positioning, Brand Narrative, Purpose Placemat, Creative Concepts, Values + Beliefs + Experience

Big Ideas

The Spirit Is Pure

Sip Lalo


Guerilla Suit

Real Ale


Qualitative Research, Big Organizing Idea, Brand Positioning, Brand Narrative, Purpose Placemat, Creative Concepts, Values + Beliefs + Experience

Big Ideas

Light Beer Just Got Real


Partners In Crime



Qualitative Research, Big Organizing Idea, Brand Positioning, Brand Narrative, Purpose Placemat, Creative Concepts, Values + Beliefs + Experience

Big Ideas

It Starts Here

Adventure Everyday


Guerilla Suit

Tejas Beer


Qualitative Research, Big Organizing Idea, Brand Positioning, Brand Narrative, Purpose Placemat, Creative Concepts, Values + Beliefs + Experience

Big Ideas

Beer Without Borders

Sin Fronteras

True to Tejas


Guerilla Suit



Qualitative Research, Big Organizing Idea, Brand Positioning, Brand Narrative, Purpose Placemat, Creative Concepts, Values + Beliefs + Experience

Big Ideas

Manifest More Good


Principle by Design



Qualitative Research, Big Organizing Idea, Brand Positioning, Brand Narrative, Purpose Placemat, Creative Concepts, Values + Beliefs + Experience

Big Ideas

Swagger In Every Sip


Guerilla Suit

Nine Banded Whiskey


Qualitative Research, Big Organizing Idea, Brand Positioning, Brand Narrative, Purpose Placemat, Creative Concepts, Values + Beliefs + Experience

Big Ideas

Whiskey Was Meant To Be Wild

Find Your Freedom


Guerilla Suit